Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Sorry for the spotty content lately. The creative juices, such as they are, seem to be running dry. Not sure why. I've already posted, and later removed, about four entries; they didn't even interest me, which is saying something. I wanted to write about an article I read on the KurzweilAI site, by a fellow who thinks that a working artificial intelligence is within grasp, and will almost certain make our lives better, richer, fuller, but even the odd feeling of being on the side of the Luddites for this one couldn't stir me up -- all I would have ended up doing was pointing to the article, which isn't very satisfying. Even baking's letting me down; the bread today is done, with two loaves in the freezer for later baking, and two baked today, but one was a disaster; I handled it way too much, and the dough collapsed - now its like your proverbial cudgel, or rock. The other's not bad, but not as chewy as the first time. I'd bake some chocolate chip cookies, but the way things are going, I'd inadvertently mix in guinea pig output -- and not notice. I'm disappointed in the paucity of responses, lately, but then I think 'well, heck, if the guy who wrote it isn't all that impressed....' Yeah.

So, all of this put together -- the lack of responses thing, the feeling of being creatively dry in more than one area -- may be a signal that I need to change my routine. Reading comes to mind. I have two or three books waiting to be read; none are captivating (except one, but its a loooong book, and I don't know as I'm up to it at the monent). Maybe I'll cruise up to the bookstore tomorrow and ask to be directed to the Lightweight Entertainment section. Or some 'hard' science fiction, or a decent detective novel. Not sure. Nothing too heavy, though.

I'll be back in a while.


SusieJ said...

Bill, about this comments thing. I was hoping that the delurk campaign, started by Schmutzie, would pull many of the lurkers who read my site everyday, out of the woodwork. It did nothing of the sort. They're still lurking and not commenting. The only people who comment are bloggers. As much as we want an interaction with our friends on the blog, bloggers will still be the only ones who comment.
However, even though they don't comment, I think that the blog, whether commented on or not, is still valuable. So keep posting, and ignore the comments.

However, it might be fun to join one of the many blogging linky things -- guaranteed to bring you lots of comments. One is Wordless Wednesday. The second is Thursday 13. (13 books scientist say make your happy, 13 remedies, etc.) I've managed to get very creative with those two things and they bring lots of bloggers with lots of comments. If I didn't have those two things, I would feel like a very lonely blogger.

The only thing you need to remember are these two rules. For some strange reason (maybe it starts in Australia?) Wordless Wednesday really starts on Tuesday. And Thursday 13 starts Wednesday around 6 p.m.

Those two "games" are very fun, and I highly recommend it. How about 13 things from the last book you read that surprised you?

Cerulean Bill said...

Hmm...I'll give that some thought. Thanks.

I certainly do not think that YOU should ever feel lonely, though. From what I've seen, you have a rich and varied content, and a strong base of interested participants. Thats something to be pleased about.