Tuesday, October 09, 2007

At The Doc's

I may have mentioned, four or five thousand times, that I don't like going to see a doctor. I don't need to expound on that. But this morning, I got a good news/bad news surprise that simultaneously confirms me in that attitude, and makes me rethink it, slightly.

In a nutshell, I learned that what I've been taking as a 'good' reading for a home medical test that I do regularly is, in fact, too high. The good news is, this explains why the long term test that they do has been inching up. It's something that I can control. The bad news is, it means I need to be somewhat more aggressive with what I actually do at home to track and control it.

Of course, if I could just bring myself to simply, and solely, eat nuts and berries, I'm sure this wouldn't be a problem.

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