Sunday, October 07, 2007

Astral Projections

Last night, my daughter lost her cell phone.

Her color guard group was practicing at the local civic park, in preparation for a performance at night. When she packed up, she left the phone in the grass. She realized it before they left, and searched with some friends, but no dice.

This morning, she and I staggered out there at dawn's early light -- actually, before -- and criss-crossed the area, looking for this little tiny phone in about a one hundred square foot area. We found lots of evidence that the color guard had been there - - mostly, bits of the white tape that they use to wrap the grips on their flags - - but no phone. She started to become dispirited, and at one point, almost crying, she said "I prayed to find it! I wished on the first star! And I still can't find it!"

I picked up a roll of white tape -- the second that we'd found -- and tossed it to her. As I turned to look some more, she asked 'Where did you find this?' I pointed to the area, and she said 'I think this was Amy's tape -- she was standing right next to -- There it is!'

Maybe this wishing on a star stuff pays off, after all.

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