Saturday, May 12, 2007

Week - End Blend

Its been an interesting couple of days, as Arthur Dent might say.

Last night we discovered that our daughter hasn't been doing well in two classes, based on the most recent period marking report. She actually got a C in one class, and B in two others. I was stunned, and shortly thereafter, so was she. She protested that when she got a C in midterms for one class last year, I didn't go ballistic. I think I probably did. Whatever, I told her that that was a midterm, and she had half a year to make it up. This is very close to the end, and she has one period. She not only has to do well, she has to make extra effort.

Guess what this does to my thoughts about working away from home?

My wife and I spent some time talking about this possible job. She mentioned in passing that she always sleeps better when I am here, and that she is feeling just a little stressed at the idea of me being away half the time. Not overwhelmingly so, but just a little.

Guess what this does to my thoughts about working away from home?

Today we go to New York to attend a stage production. One of the classics: Tarzan. Eight hours on a bus. Oh, boy. Still, maybe I'll be able to get an egg cream.


Sweeti said...

My guess is that you will conform to the dictates of your conscience...

Have a blast at Tarzan, although the 8 hours on the bus I don't envy a bit.

Cerulean Bill said...

I couldn't get an egg cream, or a new york slice -- but I did get a new york hot dog, and I seriously loved it. New York was cool. And I actually did look at the crowds, turn to my wife, and say 'All those people!'

Conscience? More like paranoia.. if conscience is the little voice that tells you someone may be watching, mine is the little voice that listens to my rational approach and whispers 'Yeah, but what if....' -- and I freak.