Friday, May 11, 2007


There must be things about Canada that aren't cool. But it does seem that whenever I learn something new about Canada, it's interesting stuff.

Today I learned about The Walrus.


Rach said...

Hmm, I haven't heard of this, but then again it's clear across the country. Does sound like a neat mag tho.

I shall not shatter your view of my fine country by telling you some very UNcool things about it. ;)

STAG said...

Now if only Canadians could be less concerned about how they are different from Americans, and be more concerned with just being Canadians, I would be happier.

Cerulean Bill said...

How can a country POSSIBLY have anything uncool about it when its a third or more covered in snow?

And yes, I agree, S. Comparison is helpful but at the national level I can't see where it buys anyone anything. Emulate the stuff we do that you like; shun the stuff that makes you think "And these guys have nuclear weapons? Can we move to Australia?"