Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Its hard to believe Bush's latest assertions, recently unveiled at the Coast Guard's graduation ceremonies, that Iraq was the staging ground for the AQ terrorists. At this point, Bush could assert that the sun rose in the east, and I'd want to check. His track record of confident assertions doesn't breed confidence in me -- it breeds contempt for a floundering politician.

Do I think he's lying? No. I think that he is doing what he thinks is right, but what he thinks is right is filtered so tightly, through such an ideological sieve, that he likely doesn't see or hear anything not aligned with his existing world view. Of course, not everything in the world does line up, and he could be excused for not listening to every possibility -- some of them possibly say that it was Elvis who attacked up, on orders from Jimmy Hoffa. But his track record is that he only believes what he already believes -- and at this point, thats a tattered rag. You can only say 'believe in me' so long... and that milestone was passed for me several months ago.

Give us proof, Bush. Or get off the pot.

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