Monday, May 21, 2007


Monday morning, with all of the angst that that suggests. Nothing terribly wrong, but a general feeling of dread -- the kind of thing that I picked up that sedative for (thats probably not the right word), but which, after that one experience, I likely won't have again. My wife says that part of what I'm feeling is still the idea of having to leave this job, and thats true; another is the dental stuff, which is an ongoing irritation -- and not just metaphorically; this temporary upper denture they have me pokes my jaw when I try to chew, and even little things like rubbing my face can be awkward. I do believe it'll be over in a year -- bone graft in about a month, healing for about four months, implants, healing for about five months. At least, thats the plan. Dentists have a way of stretching things out, I've noticed.

Daughter just left for school. She likes to get out of the house around 7:30 or a little after, stopping next door to walk down to the bus with a neighbor's daughter. Next year, she won't be able to do that, as the high school kids have a bus that comes at 7AM -- and then the year after that, it'll be her turn to start navigating the high school swirl. I know that parents are supposed to be astonished by this -- what's my little girl doing in high school already? -- but I'm pretty confident in her, and in her ability to handle it. We just need to keep talking. This morning she came into the dining room and I asked her to hit the light switch on her way in, which she did, then she walked to the other door and said 'be right back' and flicked the other switch off, grinning. Cute kid.

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