Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Movers and Shakers....

Or perhaps it should be 'Moved and Shaken'. I got an email from a friend today to the effect that my company is contemplating making substantial cuts in the managerial ranks, not to mention, shaking up the structure of the company to, presumably, need fewer manager drones. I have no idea if its true, but its certainly plausible. I like to say that the corporate culture there is 'we want innovators, but get your manager's approval first'.

The thing is, very few people actually have innovative thoughts, let alone ones that will pan out. I suspect it can be trained in, but I don't know that from experience -- its just a guess. And now that I've seen what I consider to be a significant flaw in my new Toyota (which I still like a lot; this hasn't changed that), I find myself being a little skeptical of how well the culture of innovation is actually working over there.

I am typing with my eyes drifting closed. I did not sleep well last night. I've never had to take the powerful drugs more than once before after a major dental procedure, and last night I did it twice, full dose, plus some ibuprofen. Glah.

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