Thursday, March 06, 2008

What, Already?

In a week from right now, I'll be finishing with the dental surgery that I've been trying to have done for about four months. Just about everything that could delay it has done so, from dentists not communicating, to taking vacations, to snowstorms, to taking too long to make something that they need, to me getting hurt. About the only thing that hasn't happened is their office burning down, and I wouldn't rule that out.

The surgery is (I think) not challenging, but it is lengthy. The guy is going to implant eight 'sockets' into my upper jaw, which will sit there for the next six to eight months, bonding with the bone of the jaw, and eventually hold the 'dental appliance', which is a phrase meaning 'fabulously expensive false teeth that damn well better last forever'. The surgery shouldn't hurt, as it'll be done under general anesthesia, and I have the classic Powerful Drugs to take afterwards, should I feel residual pain. It is something that I want to do, want to have done, want to be done with.

I therefore cringe when I think about it. I don't want to think about it at all. I don't even want to think about making menus for next week, because that means thinking about menus for Thursday and Friday, which means thinking 'better get just soft stuff', which means thinking about it. And I don't want to do that. I want to be done, but I don't want to think about it.

Is that weird, or what? What a wimp.


Lone Chatelaine said...

Ow! I hate dental stuff. I'm about to start some big dental treatments that are pretty intensive and will take several day long appointments, but nothing like yours. Mine are cosmetic and I'm very excited even though I hate dental stuff.

I'll have to eat soft stuff too, but not for too long, I don't think.

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, why don't you come visit and we can eat it like pudding?

I once read that dentists have the highest suicide rate of any medical profession. I can belief that. All that angst coming right at them... from two feet away... and they can't call in sick!

Lone Chatelaine said...

I never thought of dentists committing suicide. Maybe they should charge less and then they might at least lose some of the guilt they must be carrying around.

I love pudding. I'm eating banana pudding right now.

Unknown said...

Yeah, you are a total wimp ; )
My mom has been going through a whole bunch of mouth surgery, doesn't look like any fun to me.
I've spent enough time at the dentist and orthodontist, I think I should be done, it is only fair, hah.

Cerulean Bill said...

LC, you can have Shannon's pudding....

Its one of those things that in a properly functioning world would not be a problem. You get fake teeth inserted as a kid, they replace them every three to five years, you're done. To clean, take 'em out, rinse, stick 'em back in. Why in the WORLD do we still do it this way? Other than so my oral surgeon can take vacations in really, really nice places?