Monday, March 17, 2008


I've seen articles in a couple of places of late saying that when the current president is out in public, he seems to be unexpectedly cheerful. Goofily cheerful, is how one article put it.

At first, I thought this might just be the manifestation of his attitude that he never looks back, never apologises. He might be, I thought, just saying that things are as they are, no reason to get all upset about it. And as he gazes around at a political landscape that is dry and barren for his party, and an economic landscape thats self-destructing, perhaps he simply feels that he just needs to soldier on. No reason to let it ruin your day, at least, out where some one might be pleased to see that he was less than a most happy fella.

Then I wondered: could it be that he's under the care of someone who's dispensing anti-depressant drugs?

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