Friday, March 21, 2008

Dell Dull

Last night, my daughter mentioned that the freebie IBM flash drive that I'd given her had broken. I wasn't all that surprised -- the other freebie one had also broken -- but it bugged me a bit. I know she likes having one. My wife suggested that we get a replacement by using the free Dell gift card that we'd gotten when we bought the laptop. That sounded good to us, so we went to the Dell site (which is not impossible to navigate, though I can never go there without thinking about the article I read a year or so ago regarding their variable prices - they vary according to how you come in, how long you're there, and how long since you were last there), found a couple of drives, and ordered them. Not painless, but okay, it was done.

This morning, my daughter asked when we might expect them to arrive. Thinking of Amazon, which gets stuff shipped pretty quickly, as a rule, I said 'Probably Monday; if we're really lucky, maybe Saturday'. Well, Dell isn't Amazon. How much are they not Amazon? Its twelve hours later, and they still haven't even acknowledged that the gift card is valid to be charged. They did send a note saying they were working on that.

Dell? Dull.

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