Tuesday, March 04, 2008


You know that its been a slow day when you can't remember doing anything except taking a nap. Good thing it was a long one.

My assessment is that my walking is back to where it was about five days ago. This is a downer, but at least its not where it was two days ago, which was: I used the crutch to get around. I still don't know why. When I called to cancel my therapy appointment for tomorrow, the therapist seemed surprised, and suggested that perhaps I ought to talk to a doc, as 'something might be going wrong'. Well, of course, someone with my hypochondriac tendencies doesn't need to hear that. Its possible that something is -- I still can't convince myself that I'm going to get full flexibility back, though I think its likely -- but I don't think so. What I think is that somehow I stressed it. I wasn't very pleased with that last therapy appointment, either -- they were crowded, and it was like being the badminton birdy; this therapist swats you over to the stepper; that one over to the shuttle; yet another to the plie bar. I like the people there but not the disorganized approach. And, all over, elderly people talking about operations, incisions, problems with doctors. Ugh. So I was in no way going to let them get their hands on me again until I felt as good going in as I did a couple of days ago. And even then, we'll see.

Last night I was warm. The outside temp, at its lowest, was 40 degrees, and inside, the temperature on the AC control read 72. This morning, I took the cover off the AC air intake -- and the entire day was cold and rainy. Timing is everything.

In quoting Obamas comments from a year ago about his foreign policy experience, I may have convinced someone to vote for Hillary. I really didn't want to do that -- but I could live with her in office, too. As I said in my response to that person, I do still support Obama -- just not quite as much. And, you know? This cult of Obama thing is beginning to get to me. I need some gravitas.

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