Saturday, March 15, 2008


I don't feel as good as I did yesterday morning, but I feel okay. I am having wildly varying desires about heat and cold. Last night, I slept with the electrical blanket on (lowest setting, but still); this morning, I opened the window to let the cool, verging on cold, breeze in. Ain't no satisfying me! But overall, I feel like, just a little bit, my brain is starting to come back to normal. Okay, I know thats no big deal, because I'm not one of your great thinkers, but still.... its nice.

Speaking of nice: if you like chocolate, you might find this page of interest. I'm not thinking too much about baking and stuff, this week. When the oral surgeon had told me, long ago, that I'd have to stick to soft foods, I was a little apprehensive until I found out that a great amount of what we routinely eat falls into that category. Even things like burgers and meatballs weren't out of the question, so long as I was willing to chop them into less-than-bitesize pieces prior to eating. But this week, and likely for a couple, I'm thinking: play it safe. Stick with the truly soft things. At least pudding ought to taste decent (I had some yesterday, and it tasted awful; my conclusion is that I still had some dried blood in my throat; mostly gone, now), and things like yogurt and such ought to be good, too.

We're going to go to the library today, where I am picking up that book that SusieJ recommended. Incidentally, if you've never looked at her site, I recommend doing so -- its really good. I spend a fair amount of time bouncing through sites; its amazing how many are a) telling you why what you eat is going to kill you; b) who you vote for is going to impoverish you, and c) but you can earn tons o'bucks following their twenty-three simple rules. (Which is why I like IttyBiz; she points out ideas, not shopping lists.) The result of seeing all this effluvia is that I appreciate quality sites -- and SusieJ's is certainly one.

Okay, thats it for now. Could someone go close that window?


Unknown said...

Man those recipes for those chocolate desserts look delicious. I will definitely be making my own chocolate syrup now. Have I mentioned I love chocolate? heh

Hamburger smoothies? hah, thats all I could think of when you said hamburgers could count a soft food. I'm also guessing you wouldn't like blood pudding.

What is the book that SusieJ recommended? Not that my list of books to read isn't long enough already, but I always am interested in finding more of them.

Cerulean Bill said...

The book is about evaluating and building on a child's strengths; I have a link to her review here.

Blood pudding? Sorry, I'm not that tough. Not even close.

Lone Chatelaine said...

Heh....I read the above comment. My Brit friends tried to get me to eat something called Blood Pudding too after my dental surgery. Just...ewww! I do think some warm gooey chocolate brownies would be wonderful though.

Glad to hear you're up and about and going out to places, Bill :)

SusieJ said...

While you're there, check out ARtisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, by Jeff Hertzberg. Definitely something soft... and Thans, Bill.

Cerulean Bill said...

Hah, beat you, Susie -- I noticed it, and immediately placed an order with my library. Fortunately, its very popular, so I won't get it until (with luck) I can actually eat some of the bread ... though I have an in-house staff thats more than willing to take on that challenge.