Wednesday, August 01, 2007


It's time to take the tape off. Peel it back from the ceiling/wall intersection, the wall/baseboard intersection, off the switches, the sockets, the jacks. Not to mention, the carpet, where it's gotten mashed into a sticky mess.

The good news is, my daughter's attempt to do a little designing worked out fairly well. The white ceiling now has a white border that drops down two inches to meet the blue wall. Its kind of striking, and I like it.

The bad news is, she was somewhat aggressive in painting the walls, so that she now how occasional light dabs of blue up on the white ceiling. It can be touched up, though.

Today we do all the detaping, and start putting things back. My guess is, two days till the bed is back in there and the bureaus are in place; a week and a half until the room is substantially back together, and a month until its normal again. By that time, she ought to be used to the color, I think.

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