Friday, August 24, 2007

One Liners

I had a wonderful conversation with my wife at breakfast. This is not unusual -- we frequently have conversations that remind me of what an interesting person she is -- but it just happened, and since I'm here, I wanted to mention it.

One of the things she told me, after we were through talking about the band meeting yesterday, was that the band people want the 'one liners'. It turns out that those are the phrases that will go into the yearbook -- 'Love and Kisses to Our Wonderful Daughter from Mom and The Wierd Guy She Lives With' -- but I told her that when I hear that phrase, I think of one liners: -you know, 'She's so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits around the house' -- that kind of thing. So, I said, I'd pay serious money for these one-liners --

After that band boosters meeting, if you think I'm ever volunteering for anything to do with this, think again, bozo!

Love and Kisses to our Daughter, and also that cutie in the third row of the marching band, who can make a quick twenty bucks by calling this number....

but she told me we couldn't do that. Even when I said that the twenty bucks was to mow the lawn. really !

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