Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Two Things

First, I'm going to try not to make political observations here any more. I'm not sure if thats why I'm getting so few hits, but it could be. I don't write to get them, though they're appreciated, but when what I'm writing is driving them away, I need to take steps. So, I'll be moving those comments in the future to a different blog, or just not making them at all.

Second, this is an interesting site.


Rach said...

My personal opionion on this is that it's not that I'm not interested in your political views, but I try to show some interest in my own countries leaders, yet I find they bore me. No offence, but I can't keep up with my own, let alone a neighbouring country's.

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, you know my opinion of Canada, Rach....

And there's no reason for you to be interested in what I think about politics, even if you lived right next door. I may be smart, but politically, I'm a babe in the woods. I simply need to vent every once in a while, because...well, you know why.

Unknown said...

I'm still reading your posts, I've just been busy this summer working 9-5 everyday, among other things.
So I've been a bit of a lurker lately, just letting you know I'm still enjoying your posts!

Cerulean Bill said...

Why, thank you, Shannon! Thats encouraging, and I appreciate it. Feel free to lurk to your hearts content.

Working 9-5 -- I assume from that that you don't normally do that -- school, perhaps? Just looked at your profile, but apparently you're invisible, so I'll go with that guess. Whatever the reason, I know that getting into the work thing can be a disconcerting experience. When my cousin started to work, and I was still in school, I wondered why she chose to work during the summer instead of just taking it off like I did. I didn't know at the time that when you work, particularly if its a summer job, taking the summer off was NOT an option.

Still think its a good idea, though... especially now that I'm a full time 'kept man' (g).

Unknown said...

Ya I couldn't get blogger to change what I was signed into.
I am normally a student who is in need of money so I gave my life over to an insurance agency so I could have enough money to get back to college. I've never been so happy at the thought of returning back to school.
If Blogger still logs me in weird me site is

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, if you're a college student, then you're clearly bright and motivated. (Okay, maybe not, but work with me here.) Giving your life over to a company, even one as yawn-inducing as that, for a brief period isn't inherently bad. At least it shows you what you don't want to do -- or what you can fall back on, if needed. Thats not a bad thing.

Was Blogger just being normally snarky, or was there something specific you wanted to do and could not?