Monday, August 20, 2007


The Plan was, I'd drop the daughter off at color guard, run two errands, and get back home. The Actuality was I'd have a mild argument with the daughter, hustle her out the door (noting silently that she hadn't taken the trash down as requested multiple times), pick up her friend (listening to the friend say, relative to a comment the daughter had made, 'Screw that', and thinking "As things go, its pretty mild, and she's not your daughter....but keep alert for your own flesh-and-blood bringing it up in casual conversation (knowing that if she does, odds are good its just to get my goat)), drop them off (Park on this side of the parking lot, Dad, that other side is where we'll be practicing later, nobody likes it when people drive through the practice area (its a parking lot!!!)), run five errands, come home, note that the grass really ought to be mowed, grab a sammich, mention that I'm going out to-- wait, is that rain? Is that thunder? Is that water streaming down the gutters?

So much for planning....

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