Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tepid Tuesday

We're all moving a bit slowly today -- possibly in contemplating of how long the day will be. This evening, you see, we have a Concert at my daughter's school, and while attendance isn't mandatory, it might as well be. Don't get me wrong -- I do like those events, its just that they seem to drag on for a long, long time. And then right after that we're bringing the van over to a car dealership -- its getting inspected tomorrow, plus one of the side view mirrors is getting replaced (I managed to whack it backing out of the garage, much to my surprise). So it's going to be a long day.

My daughter told us that she needed an excuse note for her absence last week, when we kept her home at the recommendation of the doctor who called, surprised, to say that she had strep. This is bureaucracy at its finest -- we said she was staying home, we're writing the note. Where's the value in that? I suppose I ought to be careful about saying this -- they might say 'you're right; from now on, excusal notes can only come from medical people'. My job has a rule that if you're out more than 3 days, they want a note from a doctor. I told my wife that that's insane. If I ever get to the point of needing one, I won't do it. They can fire me (it'd make a dandy court case, I think, were I a litigious person).

Time to go.


Rach said...

We've got highs of 30 degrees celcius here today, so our movements are very slow too. Not to mention the pantings going on as well. hee!

Your daughter needs a note from the doctor for missing that one day??!! What's the matter with a parent's word? So far, calling in and letting the teacher know the child will be absent has been working for us, but maybe not in the later grades, not sure.
Umm yeah .. I'd bring an employer or school district to court too, if I were that kinda person you mentioned. Litigious? Gotta look that word up. :P

Cerulean Bill said...

That's because you're Canadian, and therefore more courteous and less likely to leap for legal solutions.

At least, thats my image.

Rach said...

I shall try to never shatter that image of yours. lol