Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It's Never A Good Sign...

...when the dentist tells you that this will be an interesting case to write up.

So, the plan is that tomorrow morning I will have the carefully-recemented on bridge pulled off, and a very talented guy will do some surgery to the roots of four teeth. Then I get to go around for about seven days looking toothless and goofy (though, surprisingly, no one commented on that when I was in at the office this morning). Fortunately, three or four of those days, I'll be at home.

Some time in the middle of the week I get a 'flipper', which is a set of fake teeth that are attached to a bridge. I wear that for the vacation (could be worse!) and when I come back, we do more surgery for two implants (which are way expensive; that high-end coverage is about to pay off, I think), wait about three months for it to heal, wearing the flipper the whole time, and then have a new bridge attached to the implants. At which point I should be able to bite through steel.

I have a feeling this would be a good summer to go on a diet!


Rach said...

Tho it sounds terribly expensive (in which case you seem to have that covered with a great dental plan), it doesn't sound too invasive and painful if given the right dosage of drugs.

Ya know .. summer's the best time to be forced to eat smaller amounts. There's a ton of soft, light foods that only scream to be eaten in the warmer months. I think you'll do just fine on icecream. ;)

Cerulean Bill said...

Rach, you're clearly my kind of person !