Saturday, May 06, 2006

Foggy Dreams

I had an odd dream the other day.

I was working in some sort of office. It became apparent that it would be a Very Good Idea if I were to leave the office, the company, and likely the country as quickly as possible. I found myself in the loading dock area of the building, where I quickly put on some anonymous green coveralls and joined the milling horde of people who were just leaving work. Unlike what I was used to, they jammed themselves into some kind of rapid transit system that was hot and smelly. It thundered through dark tunnels, occasionally stopping to take even more on, and finally emerged into the outside -- or what I assumed was the outside, as it was dark and extremely foggy. At one point I happened to be pressed up against a window as we passed a massive stanchion. I looked down and saw the base of the stanchion in the water, then I looked up and saw it piercing the thick layer of cloud and smog. I realized it was one of the supports of the Golden Gate Bridge.

And then I woke up.


Sweeti said...

That's a weird dream, However I cannot talk mine have been way over the top lately.

Cerulean Bill said...

It's those four acres, no doubt....

Rach said...

And another dream that makes you go .. hmmm. You should have your dreams analized. It would be interesting to see why your recent dreams are of escaping, leaving work/town, the world ending .. etc.

Cerulean Bill said...

Interesting -- I hadn't thought of it that way. A couple of possibilities occur to me, which I won't bore you with. Thanks for the insight.

You should have seen that stancion, though, Rach. It was pretty impressive.