Friday, October 09, 2009

Still Later

I saw my mother this morning, and my wife saw her this afternoon. She was apparently comfortable in the morning, though irritated by the oxygen mask, but by noon she was complaining about a sore throat, and about the prohibition against drinking anything. I'm guessing that the pure oxygen is having an effect on her throat. This afternoon, they called to ask if it was okay to start dialysis, and we said yes, then they called back to say that they would be inserting a catheter and then doing the dialysis tonight. Now they say that she is having trouble breathing again, apparently even with the mask, possibly because of the mask, or at least the oxygen, so they wanted permission to intubate her. We said yes, but then we looked up intubation. What we found made it sound like this really isn't something you do casually, and it could have serious aftereffects.

This is just getting better and better.