Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mo' Health

Must admit, it's getting a little tedious, going to the ICU every day. Even learning some more trivia about how to read the monitors doesn't distract me from how my mother's doing -- which is, better than she was, but not nearly good enough. Without full mask oxygen, her oxygen saturation plummets to the low 80's. She coughs up lots of phlegm, some of it bloody. And she's getting dialysis. No surprise there.

I'm not pessimistic -- she's clearly getting better -- but I'm not optimistic, either. I think we're looking at another 10 days in the hospital, easily, and the strong possibility of oxygen at home. Good thing we're not smokers.

It seems selfish of me to be apprehensive about my minor dental surgery tomorrow, in this context, but I am. I want this part of dental stuff to be done, and I thought I was. Gah.

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