Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rainy? Again?

My daughter was severely not happy about being woken up this morning to go take the PSATs. If, as had been the original plan, she'd have had to get up early on a rainy Saturday to go practice with color guard, well, of course, no problem. She'd have groused about it, but done it willingly. To do it just to take a test -- and not even a real test, but a practice test -- well, that was the height of child abuse. I told her that we were going to the hospital in her absence, and she groaned. "If you weren't making me take this stupid test, I could have gone!"

We're going to the hospital because a nurse called an hour ago, saying that my mother's vital signs are fine, but she's very lethargic. Then again, the nurse added, she was up all night talking with people as they went in, so it could be that she's really sleepy. Yeah, could be. Probably is.


genderist said...

I hope it's that, too.

Shame on you for making your daughter take her test.

Cerulean Bill said...

I KNOW you don't mean that. What fun is it being a parent if you can't make your child do the things you hated doing yourself? All in the name of their personal growth, of course....

Anonymous said...

it wasn't that bad of a test anyway and dad guard starts and 12 not 7:45 AM!