Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Painting and Nailing and Screwing -- Oh, My!

The bookcase is back in place, and the wall shelving is up, too -- though the bookcase really is intended for books, whereas the wall shelves are intended for the great and ever expanding stuffed animal collection. I came into the room once just as she was telling a friend how many stuffed animals she had, and I winced. I know, part of childhood, being a girl, all that -- but she could open a small store here. I doubt she's ever seen a stuffed animal that she didn't like.

I just brought her over to color guard practice. She was in a bit of a funk because she just found out that they're changing the schedule for the band camp she has to attend (they perform with the band as well as on their own). Instead of two weeks of eight hour days, some of them will be only four hours, while others will be twelve hours. I was aghast. You could see my daughter rethinking this whole colorguard thing. Truth to tell, I'd try to persuade her out of it, but this is the first thing she's ever signed up for that she is interested in sticking with, and thats an attitude we like to encourage. She did take the opportunity, on the drive over, to remind me that it would be a good thing if she had a cell phone -- an attitude reinforced by my wife's childhood friend (who also recommended roughly tripling my daughter's weekly allowance) and by a woman I worked with, with whom we had dinner the other night. Her daughter has a cute little phone that they say was free -- an upgrade from an existing phone. New, it is priced at four hundred dollars. Even given that this couldn't be the real price, I was stunned.

My daughter also took the opportunity to spray disinfectant on some of the gear in one of her guinea pig's cages, as the animal has been sneezing, which she informs me means that she's ill. I considered reminding her that we aren't going to get a replacement animal until after both guinea pigs are deceased (and buying a cell phone bumps that out, too!), but I withheld the comment, for the moment.


Tabor said...

Don't get sucked into that game where your kids are deprived if they don't have everything all their friends have. I refused to buy the $100 tennis shoes way back when and made my son come up with $50 on his own. Now that he is 30 years old...all this stuff is so much noise.

The Baking Fool said...

Yes, I agree -- but she's had enough 'practice ran long/I need my flag bag' stuff this summer that we're thinking its worthwhile. But we're not getting the four hundred dollar phone! Even the least expensive one will have a portion of it paid by her, and there will be limits about how much cost she can incur. She promised she wouldn't use it at all, and I said well, if thats the case, you don't need one!

Rach said...

Hi Baking Fool! ;)

Can you get her a phone in which you can use 'pay as you go' cards? That way you KNOW for sure you won't get stuck with a big bill, and it will also give her a set limit.

Cerulean Bill said...

Thats what I get for trying to switch between ids!

Yes, I think thats exactly what we're going to do....