Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Say It Ain't Snow!

Day two of the snow day marathon. One of the benefits of living in a semi-rural area is that the school buses have to traverse some fairly mediocre roads. Likely, the school bus drivers in West Virginia would scoff at us, but what the heck -- the local school folks first posted a two hour delay, and then changed that to Schools Closed. That means they have three snow days to make up. So far, they've already taken President's Day as a school day. I know better than to chuckle about this in the hearing of my daughter, who is, right now, outside shoveling ice. She was supposed to do that after she spent at least ninety minutes indoors studying and reviewing, but she asked if she could do that first. She's hoping, I think, that I'll forget. Ho, ho, ho.

And I did that stretching exercise this morning that I pointed out in an earlier post. I took a hot shower, did some basic stretches, and then the new one -- and I could raise my leg! Not much, not high, not often -- but I did it!

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