Monday, February 18, 2008


Some time ago, we briefly explored the idea of putting an elevator in our house. It'd be difficult, but not impossible. What we really want is a new, smaller, one level house, but we like what we've done to this house, and we wouldn't be all that thrilled about leaving it, not the least of which because of all the paring down of stuff we'd have to do.

Last week, we saw where a small community of cottage homes (bigger than I'd think a cottage is, but not by a whole lot) will be built about five miles from where we live now. Gee, I thought, this might be just the deal.

Our house is worth about two hundred thousand dollars (which still astonishes me, though as things go, its not all that much). Its a two story house with a two car garage and about 2400 square feet.

The cottages are one story, about 2500 square feet. The starting price? Five. Hundred. Thousand. Dollars.

Elevator's looking pretty good, hmm?


Lone Chatelaine said...

Half a million for 2500sf????

I can't believe that with the current state of the mortgage industry. Good grief! Housing prices have got to correct themselves. That's just ridiculous.

Cerulean Bill said...

I thoroughly agree. It makes no sense to me at all. But so long as people are willing to pay....