Saturday, February 23, 2008

Filing Insight

I just spent about an hour going through files -- filing things that were in the stuffed To Be Filed folder; the good news is, I reduced it by half, and the bad news is, half of its still there because I can't figure out where to file it, or even if we need to keep it. Which is where my insight comes from: if we ever get to a paperless society, we're going to need one hell of an intelligent, automated, and insightful filing system. One that makes today's Google look like child's play.


genderist said...

If you've been bitten by the filing/organizing bug, feel free to come get rid of some of that pent-up energy at our place. We've got lots of papers that could be organized!!!

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, I'm not anal or compulsive, but I do like order. I can be as messy as the next guy, though, for a lot of things. It mostly depends on whether I think 'hey, I'm going to NEED that stuff later', or its something that I just don't want to have to think about. In our refrigerator, the milk is always on the lower right. In the cabinet in the corner, the tuna's always around the middle of the shelf. You don't have to hunt for it. Drives me nuts (a little) when I go to my mother in laws house and have to hunt in her refrigerator. Of course, now she can just scare me by offering to let me walk down the stairs at 5AM.