Friday, February 08, 2008


I just came across something that was surprisingly good, not at all where I'd expected to find it.

I wanted to clear the URL drop down history. I wasn't sure if clearing browser history would do it, and, of course, I was too lazy to try. So, I did a Gsearch on it, looking for 'clear URL history'. The first site that popped up was I'd never heard of them, but I figured they must be some kind of PC recovery organization. The page that Google brought me to had the instructions I wanted, but it said this up top:

Below are instructions to prevent someone from knowing you have visited the Nexus Recovery Center web site. After you have read these instructions and understand what to do, please close/quit your Internet browser. Restart your browser making sure you are not currently on the web site and then follow the instructions to clear your cache.

Well, I thought, who are these guys, that they want to make it really easy to erase your tracks? What kind of PC recovery do they do? So I looked at the About Us section. Which is where I found this:

Nexus Recovery Center, Inc. provides recovery and sustained independence from alcohol and drug abuse for disadvantaged women, including women with children and adolescent girls.


1 comment:

Cerulean Bill said...

I like to think of it as me not being what THEY were looking for....