Saturday, January 19, 2008


I don't feel that it's necessary for my daughter to go to Harvard. Or Yale, Princeton, or any of the other IV Leaguers. Okay, University of Pennsylvania would be nice -- hey, get that in-state tuitition. And I admit that the idea of her attending, say, Stanford would knock my socks off. Not Cal Tech or MIT, though. She's not a hypergeek. And yes, I know that there are normal people there. They exist so that the student type bell curve distribution doesn't resemble a pipette.

Basically, I just want her to get a
(ParentMantra: ON)
Good Education So That She Can Be Successful
At Whatever She Wants to Do

(ParentMantraCodicil: ON)
So that she'll be happy and have enough money
to support me in my old age,
should that be necessary
(ParentMantraCodicil: OFF)


But if she did want to qualify for an exclusive college, I think this might be of use to her. If only as a precautionary note.

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