Sunday, January 20, 2008


I occasionally speak of my guarded enthusiasm for Muslims - how I think that they get a bad rap, how I wish they'd do more even as I acknowledge that its not fair to expect it, how the average Muslim's attitude to life is very agreeable to me. Not the fierce ones, the off-with-their-heads ones, but the average Muslim-In-The-Street, just living their lives, trying to do the right thing by their god, their famility, and their society.

One of the things that I've always liked is their habit of saying Inshallah (I've seen multiple other spellings) when speaking about something they intend to do, or something that they hope will occur. As I understand it means 'if Allah wills it (this event will occur)'. I don't know why, but there's something about that attitude that I like.

There's a Wikipedia article about the phrase here.

1 comment:

Cerulean Bill said...

I can see how he'd fall into that habit there. I don't know how devout Muslims feel about it, but my guess would be that they treat it moderately-seriously.