Sunday, January 20, 2008

Eating Oranges and Making IDs

That is, of course (g), a quote from The Fugitive, one of my favorite movies. It's also exactly what I'm doing now, except that it's Venetian Apple Cake I'm eating, and I'm paying bills, not making IDs. Oh, and I'm drinking Ghiradelli Double Chocolate hot chocolate. And I'm not a cop, and I look nothing like Tommy Lee Jones. But thats about it -- everything else is exactly the same.

I got a minor pleasant surprise the other day -- the physical therapist who'd been seeing me here asked what I weigh, and when I told her, she seemed surprised, saying that I didn't look like I weighed that much. So I looked later, and darn if I wasn't at the lowest I've been in months. Okay, two days later, I looked again, and I was four pounds heavier, back into the I've-seen-that-number-before range, but hey, I'll take what I can get.

This morning, I was talking with my wife about people with unusual sexual drives -- specifically people who participate in Dominant/Submissive relationships. (No, I wasn't suggesting it. I don't know how we got there.) These aren't people who are kidding -- they really do this, really do dominate or allow themselves to be dominated. I had a brief contact with a woman who's a submissive -- somehow, I found myself at her blog (I think she'd commented on a site I read), and I remember being astounded that this person, who seemed normal, would do this. I didn't fixate on it, but in wondering why, I came to the thought that perhaps her life was so chaotic, so out of control, that this was a way of saying 'I'm not responsible, I can't be held responsible', for at least part of it. Thats armchair psychology, of course; I could be totally hosed. It has been known to happen.

Still cold out -- gone up a whopping five degrees, and the wind's still blowing intermittently. Makes me feel cold, just hearing it. I realized once that although I like cold weather, its only if I'm in a decent mood. If I'm feeling apprehensive (like with this damn dental stuff; the surgeon told me that there was a 10% chance of losing one of the implants; the good news was, he's putting in more than the minimum, so it'll still be structurally sound, the bad news is just that it could occur), then I want heat, and plenty of it. Yesterday I was in the bedroom, just reading, and I actually had the heat up to 80. One thing I want, if and when we build a house, is thermostats that are time-sensitive -- say, they'll keep the room at 68 during the day, but at 10 PM they'll drop to 65 or 60, then start warming up again around 6AM. I know these are possible (the AC we had retrofitted to the house has a control panel like that). If we do it, though, I want it on an easy to read screen. That damn AC control panel is almost impossible to read. Something hooked to the PC would be nice, with a fallback should the connection to the PC fail. Am I a believer in technology, or what?

So, Clinton/Obama? I'd like that. I could stand Obama/Clinton, but I'd prefer the former.

That cake was good. Could have been better, but not at all bad. I'd make it again. Speaking of sweet stuff -- I don't eat much candy (its not a religious thing; I just got out of the habit, I think around the time that dentists starting looking at me as their personal ticket to a Lexus upgrade). But I like this site. It's candy porn, I think.

Okay, time to write some checks.


Unknown said...

Great movie. I'll admit to having a crush on Harrison Ford when I was younger and I think my mom had a thing for Tommy Lee Jones, so it was a good movie to watch together.

The whole topic of sexual aberration is interesting, maybe I have watched too many episodes of CSI. Not that I have any real knowledge of the topic, but your armchair psychology seems to go along with what I have heard.

I don't think we are too far away from an easier to access interface for adjusting the thermostat. I'm sure the really rich people just have to think about what temperature they want and the house just reads their minds.

I'm still not sure who I'd vote for or who I would want as President at this point. People expect my generation to be apathetic about the whole process anyway, right?

Cerulean Bill said...

Only the dullards, Shannon. Sorry, you don't qualify.

Anonymous said...

eatin oranges makin i.d.'s , be cool hunny bunny , Blondie! 3 of my favorite quotes