Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday Papers

Getting up early on Sunday, when I don't need to, irks me. And I probably ought not to read the sunday paper when I'm in a grumpy mood. They don't help. Even the comics irritated me. The comics!

One of the lead articles in the Washington Post today describes the intentions of the Republican leadership to engage in massive amounts of personal attack ads as a way of winning the next election. They said that doing so allows them to frame the debate, focusing on what they want to focus on and ignoring their parties failures and disasters. I am fond of the image of the Democrats as being the party of reason and intelligence, but right now if I found that they wanted to put out false, misleading, and emotionally laden ads attacking the Republicans as baby sellers and scum suckers, charging them with molesting stray cats and poisoning the air over orphanages, I'd give it consideration. I want the reigning party out of office so badly that I can taste it, because I think they've severely damaged my country and my people. And I can turn off -- temporarily -- the voice of reason in my mind about what doing so would turn my party into. I don't want to lose nobly. I want to win.

Are there good, reasonable, intelligent Republicans? Anywhere?


Anonymous said...

Me. I'm one!

Well, I'm a conservative/libertarian who votes Republican. How's that?

And yes, I get tired of people saying, "But you're intelligent! How can you be conservative?"

I ask, "You're intelligent. How can you be liberal?"

Cerulean Bill said...

Intelligence doesn't mean you're automatically one or the other. Intelligence means you think. When was the last time you saw a thoughtful politician? I don't doubt they're there. I do doubt they make themselves widely known. Almost like a secret fetish: hush, the demagogues will hear!

I'd rather vote Democrat than Republican, liberal than conservative, as a rule, but sometimes Republicans are right, and sometimes conservatives are, too. You can be right on the issue and wrong on the moment, or the reverse. And times change: you could be wrong last time, right this time, and not have changed your position.

Btw: I'd vote for you.