Monday, September 11, 2006

Miscellaneous Thoughts

I know that this falls into the realm of justifying prejudices, but what the heck: I think that anyone who sends emails with multiple colors and fonts is asking for me to ignore the email. And anyone who sends an email that goes more than four or five paragraphs, ditto. I just can't be bothered by either one.

In the area of Us vs Them, the New York Times had a very interesting page listing opinions of about seven or eight noteworthy and not-so people on the current struggle against terrorists. The conclusion was that it is dying and will last forever, that it is the work of a few well-connected malcontents and a vast underground, and that we are doomed and will emerge victorious.
Nice to see a unity of conclusion.

Lotus Notes (or as I often inadvertantly refer to them, Loutus Nots) should have a way to auto-classify emails as they arrive. I know this is possible. I've seen it done. On the other hand, it shouldn't do what Mozilla Thunderbird does, which is throw away old emails still in the inbox when new ones arrive. I know, there must be a setting somewhere that says to do that, but dammed if I can find it. So, see, when you DON'T comment on this blog, you're saving my old emails.

I baked cookies tonight and asked my daughter to give them to the neighbor in thanks for them spontaneously mowing our lawn when they did their own. She did. But she neglected to mention who baked them. Hmm....


Sweeti said...

I hate that when that happens. What kind were they? I'm glad your getting back with it again, A sure sign of getting better.

Cerulean Bill said...

The cookies? Nothing special, just chocolate chip with some toffee thrown in....