Saturday, September 09, 2006

Metaphysical State

So I was sitting here humming the theme from The Beverly Hillbillies, thinking of the time that I saw it as part of a trailer for, of all things, the Roseanne show -- it was quite good (the trailer, not the show) -- when I came across this page. And although I'm not a Trekkie (or Trekker, or whatever the currently acceptable phrase is), I thought I'd mention it.


Anonymous said...

When I take road trips, there is always a point where I start singing old TV show theme songs, and the Beverly Hillbillies is always one of the best.

genderist said...

I have seen numerous documentaries about the differences in being a "trekker" and a "trekki", mostly because my husband, who is neither trekker or trekki, is amused by both the world of sci-fi and documentaries.

Cerulean Bill said...

Excellent choice, Rhea. I have never expected to be wealthy (how fortunate for me!) but I thought, several years ago, that if wealth were to befall me, one of the uses to which I would put it (once I'd hired the Laker Girls as personal, um, body servants) would be to make a generous donation to the Mormon chunch -- on the condition that the Tabernacle Choir come out with a recording of famous themes from television and movies. The theme from F Troop is what I used to cite as an example, but clearly the theme from the Beverly Hillbillies would also qualify. And, oh yes, they'd have to hum the theme from Batman.

I've never been to a sci-fi convention. though I did stumble across one at a local hotel once. That one time, there were perhaps five people wearing costumes out of perhaps two hundred there -- and I still felt like an idiot for being in their vicinity.

Now, cute young women in classic Star Trek uniforms -- thats another story entirely.