Friday, September 29, 2006

Hey, Teach !

I've occasionally wanted to be a teacher. Okay, I've also wanted to be a professional photographer, a software designer, and the Pope, none of which seem to be playing out all that well. But this interesting page suggests that I'd better give up on the teacher part, because there's no way I'm qualified.


Rach said...

Although I've never quite thought teachers are overpayed, I do wonder often why they're driving the latest model vehicles. *sigh*

genderist said...

My latest daydreams center around me going back to teaching English and only working as a nurse on an occasional weekend...

Cerulean Bill said...

I seriously think that a good teacher can be magical.

Cerulean Bill said...

Thirty four paper cakes put on the wall, thirty four paperish cakes, take one down, pass it around...

My daughter's school has, as she says (complete with quotes) 'gone healthy'. Among other things, this means they can't bring cupcakes to school. So your type of cakes may be all she ever gets there, now. She is mucho peeved.

Fortunately, she has the ones I just made last night, which, given that she inhales them, I gather she likes.