Wednesday, September 06, 2006

No Comment

I think that I'm going to turn commenting off for a while. Same reason as the last time. I'll turn it back on after a while.


Rach said...

So not fair! :P
Actually, I don't know your previous reason so maybe I shouldn't give my two cents worth.

Cerulean Bill said...

Not fair? I guess I can understand that -- the woman who has the Inteuri: To Contemplate site has commenting turned off, and it irritates me, just a little, because I don't get the ability to - well, instantly comment. She has the perfect right to do so, its just me.

I had turned it off, this time as before, because I was a little down about not getting comments (what, am I suddenly even more boring than normal?) so rather than suffer (g) the pain of seeing no comments, I chose to just eliminate the possibility.

And then a day later I acknowledged the counterproductive nature of THAT idea..... What can I say, sometimes my logic is a little loopy.

Rach said...

ahh, yes I can understand the let down of no comments, BUT tis a busy time of year and I bet that's why you've noticed a decline.

See, this is what I was thinking when I first read you were shutting comments off. Other then dedicate a whole post on my own blog to just you to say what I would have liked to comment on your postings, I would have no other way to express my thoughts on your thoughts. Sooooo to get to my point, I'm glad you reconsidered.

Cerulean Bill said...

You can always get me at, Rach. Or, I could just stop by. Vancouver, you said?

Rach said...

good, well then we have that matter settled. lol

Close, Vancouver Island .. which is an hour and a half ferry ride from Vancouver.