A pleasant day thus far.
It actually started last night, to my mind; we went to see Casino Royale, which we thoroughly enjoyed. Daniel Craig did an excellent job as James Bond; the plot was believable; even the bad guys were good -- smart, not caricatures. A couple of minor quibbles about the pacing of the film, but only a couple. It was excellent. A good reason to get a plasma tv! (Of course, my daughter would say that the existence of Cartoon Network is a good reason, too.)
After we got home, I spent about an hour messing with the new laptop - rearranging the menus to be the way I like, mostly. This version of XP (professional) is different than the one we have (home) in that there seem to be only two values for users -- administrator, and 'all users'. I am, of course, the administrator (he said, buffing his nails modestly). I like that -- the 'home' version seems to spawn users, which is messy and non-useful. Once I've gotten the customization completely done, I will switch to being just a standard user, which I gather is a good idea, generally; that way, if some malicious program tries to install malware, it won't be able to do so under your authority. I know that the time will come (assuming I'm employed there long enough) when I think this laptop is a kludge and a pig; right now, it is sleek and elegant, and I like it a lot.
This morning, I awoke to the aroma of coffee and frying sausage, and then my daughter and I (mostly her) made an apple tart, for which she had found the recipe. Nothing special (not that I could handle it if it were), but a delightful experience to see her doing it carefully, using the methods she's learned from us and from her school Consumer Sciences classes. It's baking now.
For the remainder of the day -- sloughing off, reading, packing, and more pc-messing-around. And then tomorrow, we're off to Connectidotts for three days. A long drive, but one we've done multiple times.
A pleasant Thanksgiving to you all.
I'm a day late (and a dollar short :P) but still wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful weekend ahead.
Good wishes are always appreciated, Rach. Thank you very much!
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