Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Baking? No...I don't think so

But it was a close call.

A few minutes ago, I read a blog post wherein the author spoke about having made a 'baked chocolate fudge'. I'm not a big fudge eater -- just a microbite wipes out any hope of controlling blood sugar for a couple of days -- but still, it is food porn, so I read it....and started daydreaming. Well, I could make just a little....maybe my wife would take the rest in to work. But I was strong, said No way, Jose.... and then I noticed a comment to the effect of 'is this crumbly fudge?' Oooh, I thought. Now, I do like crumbly fudge. It has the same effect on me, but still.... so I find this recipe, and looking at it, I'm thinking that there is no way I will make this, I'd have to bathe in insulin just to offset it.....and then I notice that off to the right, they mention Dark Chocolate Fudge. Oh, hell.

I'm going to go read Audacity of Hope for a while, in the hope that the cool cerebral quality will get this fudge out of my mind.

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