Monday, April 20, 2009


The daughter's calmer. Not sure we'll go (he said), but we're talking and planning.

Dell called back and set up an arrangement for the technician to come back and install it all. The guy who is doing the arranging has a strong Indian accent. He is singlehandedly destroying the image that an Indian accent on the phone means you're about to get lousy service, as he is excellent. I'd pay for this service.

My wife said that she was just trying to give constructive criticism, and I told her that for me and my baking, 'constructive criticism' means unconstrained approval -- but I knew I was being too touchy.

Still raining, though -- but it's a start.


Wendster said...

Peace negotiations are underway. That's good.

Glad your tech is so amazing and helpful! That's another bright spot.

Cerulean Bill said...

It's amazing, is what it is. Maybe I'm just talking through my hat, but I don't think companies get it -- we really WOULD be willing to pay more for better service.