Friday, April 10, 2009


The current plan is, we're going to get a cat. A rescue cat -- which does not, apparently, mean a cat in fireman's boots and a pager, or one that knows CPR.

My daughter asked me, and I said it was okay with me; it was my mother who didn't want a cat. So she asked my mother, and she said it would be okay so long as the cat's litter box was not in the laundry room (which, after we redid it, no longer has a door of its own; my mother thinks it would creep her out to be in the bathroom and have the cat watching her). So, if we can find a litter box that is big enough for an adult cat but small enough to fit in the hall bath.....

At least, that's the plan.


Unknown said...

You could start a collection. Get one or two of every type. :-)

It's easy: put food out for them. They'll find you. They sure found us...

Go for it. You'll feel like a servant in your own home! :-)

Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

That's for sure, CA. Dogs have owners; cats have staff.

And, LB, we're seriously thinking of it. Its the best solution thus far.