Thursday, April 03, 2008


A week from this weekend, one of my cousin's daughters is getting married, at 5 PM, on Sunday. Why then, I have no idea. The wedding will be held in their home town, which is about four and a half hours from here.

My mother wants to go because she's always had a close relationship with that cousin, hence, the offspring.

My wife's going because my mother wants to go, and my mother can't go to the mailbox by herself. My wife thinks this will be the last time that my mother will be strong enough for a trip of that length. That's likely.

I'm going because my wife is going, and though I'd be willing to make that kind of drive by myself, I don't want to inflict it on her.

My daughter is going because my wife doesn't want to ask anyone to let her stay with them for the two days that we'll be gone. She's less than thrilled.

A delightful trip? Somehow, I kind of doubt it.

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