Wednesday, April 30, 2008


What does it say about the culture of the Army when things like Walter Reed and the Fort Bragg housing mess can occur over a period of years, but aren't addressed until someone sneaks out pictures or gets a mainstream media outlet interested in them? Nothing good, I'm thinking...


Lone Chatelaine said...

Oh, that has had me infuriated. And then President Bush went to congress today requesting 1 billion dollars to send to Mexico to help fund THEIR military.

He doesn't even sound republican anymore. Republicans aren't supposed to want to spend money or send it to other countries so frivolously. He's just taking care of his buddies and pulling special favors while OUR military is dying and suffering. He's so obvious!

Cerulean Bill said...

He hasn't sounded Republican for quite some time. That and the fiasco in Iraq are the core of his failure as a leader of the country and of his party. His cronyism -- and with inept people, yet -- is merely the ganache on the cupcake.

As for the Mexican military, well, first, he's trying to buttress his 'legacy' with foreign activity, having given up on the domestic side (its always easier to simply send money than to have to work through that damn pesky Congress), and second -- well, heck, aren't they going to be his first line of defense when he's back in Crawford?

At least he's no longer saying that things might be a little difficult -- witness this from the New York Times.

However, in this case, I think that the blame has to be ascribed to the leaders of the Army. Its entirely possible that they allowed such egregious failures because they don't have the funding to fix them. From what I've heard, though, they weren't even institutionally aware that problems existed. It took surprise publicity to push them, sputtering, to say that this was 'unacceptable' and would be addressed immediately.

And they wonder why the troops get out?