Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'm a happy camper, at the moment.

I just hooked up and did initial configuration on my mother's PC -- setting up a unique desktop for us, connecting it to the printers, things like that. My golly. This PC is about three minutes faster in booting -- 45 seconds from power start to login screen, just about the same as the laptop -- and its quiet, the way the other desktop used to be. I am seriously tickled by this.

Went to the dentist and got my teeth cleaned, which I hate to do because they usually lecture me. Not this time. I've been going so often, I think they almost regard me as staff now. And I went to the oral surgeon for a checkout of how healing is going, and he's pleased. Not so pleased that he'll let me chew with them -- nothing like that for at least another three months (!), but hey, after all this time and money, I'm not taking any chances. Well, not too many, anyway. We'll see what July brings. If there's one thing I've learned through this whole process, its that time flies faster than I'd have thought possible.

My wife really enjoyed listening to Chelsea. She asked if CC would consider being First Lady, should her mother get elected, and the reply was no, she's got a private life that she wants to get back to. Eh, why don't I entirely believe that?

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