Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday, Tuesday

One major event down, one to go... and one that was a bit of a surprise.

The one that's down, of course, is the weekend party for my daughter, which I think we can safely say was a success. People talked quietly and ate frequently -- the 'Elegant Potatoes' was a particular hit -- and no one left early. So that was goodness. The one to go is the Great Bathroom Remodel, which starts this Thursday and will continue for about three weeks. For at least two days, my mother will be in residence in a local hotel -- she needs frequent and rapid access to a bathroom and the facilities therein -- but for most of it, we won't really know that they're working, as there is an outside door to the laundry room/bathroom that they'll use to get in and out.

And the surprise was a gotcha -- I had looked at one of the three retirement funds we have (from my wife's one job and my two); to my surprise, its value had gone up fairly significantly since the last time we looked. Wow, we thought, and immediately looked at the other two. Which had gone down by a value greater than the first one had gone up. Groan.....


Rach said...

It seems like everyone I talk to, is renovating in some sort of fashion. Bathrooms, bedrooms or whole home reno's .. crazyness I tell ya. I think it's the spring bug that's got everyone doing something to change their living environment.

Cerulean Bill said...

We're pursuing this one because my mother hasn't been able to take a bath or shower for quite some time. Since I hurt myself, I'm a lot more sensitive to that!