So, I trundled over to the site where it was described - Milk and Cookies, which is created in Syndey, Australia. (Do they prefer that you say the state, too, I wonder? It'd be like me saying Harrisburg, United States, I guess...)
Here's part of the recipe:
60g unsalted butter, cut into chunks
170g dark chocolate
1½ tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs, separated
1 cup plain all-purpose flour
½ tsp baking powder
140g fromage blanc
What the heck is Fromage Blanc, I wondered. From the little French I know, I guessed 'white cheese', but that sounded odd. What did they do, slice up cheese? So I looked it up -- but it turned out I didn't need to, because the author kindly described it on that same page -- Fromage Blanc is a soft white cheese that is very similar to cream cheese although has the consistency of sour cream. I looked at some other sites, too, and my final take is that it's essentially high-quality cream cheese -- though I'm sure an excellent cook would shudder at that definition.
So this got me thinking 'Hey, I should save this recipe'... and then I thought 'I already have five recipes, I rarely make brownies, and when I do, I don't make more than one recipe, heck, I haven't even tried the two recipes that were given to me by people who made excellent brownies themselves, so why do I need another?'
So I didn't save it. But maybe, this afternoon, I'll make brownies. Not a lot, though. Because, you know, I'm trying to cut down.
Thanks for stopping by! Some of those brownies were amazing - even though I usually use the same recipe, I've saved some like the gorgeous matcha one, and the wasabi brownie for reminders and inspiration. Hope your family enjoyed which ever brownies you might have made :)
I do believe we'll manage to force them down....somehow!
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