Friday, September 07, 2007


I've always liked that the English call what we call 'the drug store', 'the chemists'. At least, they did in the fifties, so I assume they still do. (g) I'm not a chemist, never had any great affinity for chemistry, and all I remember about high school chemistry was that we were all trying to figure out how to use a mortar and pestle, one guy in the class was, no lie, in the other room making a form of nylon. He subsequently went to MIT on a chemistry scholarship. Or a nerd scholarship, I forget which.

So me and chem aren't pals. But this, for some odd reason, I liked.


Unknown said...

I was ok at chemistry in HS but, I thought that was cool. How come they didn't show us that?
If I was nefariously evil I think I would set up something like that on a huge scale and use it as some sort of evil torture device. Not sure on the exact details and I probably don't want to think about it too hard hah.

Cerulean Bill said...

My guess is that teachers, as a whole, aren't good at communicating enthusiasm; aren't good at selling; don't understand (or prefer not to 'pander to') what kids would think of as cool.

Evil torture device, huh? Got to admit, that didn't occur to me.... Course, I did read the entry on that site labelled 'ice bomb', and thought 'Wow!'

genderist said...

I just got by in hs chemistry... but in college I was the nerd who tutored the other kids.

Must've been something in the water... maybe too much C6H12O6?

Cerulean Bill said...

Too much glucose is certainly something I can identify with!