Saturday, September 22, 2007

Three proposals for the Improvement of Firefox

Herewith, some immodest proposals for filter function add-ons to the Firefox browser.

Do not connect to any site which uses the string-of-letters 'pwned' in its edit copy. (Set as Default)

Do not connect to any site which offers to provide me the true secrets of driving readers to my site. ((Set as Default)

Do not connect to any site which describes videos as 'hilarious'. (Set as Optional)

Allow the tagging on my PC of the header for any site, such that if that tag is encountered while browsing, the site will fail to load. Optionally, allow the tag to expire after sixty days. (Set as Optional)

Thank you.


genderist said...

I hope they're taking notes.

Cerulean Bill said...

Oh, yes. Assiduously, I'm sure.

Seriously, two of them -- the ones that key off a specific character string -- I can see a way to do, in that you'd have something that, having detected the dread string, writes a cookie with the site's URL. That cookie is then then checked by your browser when it goes to open up a session. I don't know how to do the cookie thing, and I can see one flaw there, to wit; you could end up doing a LOT of checking and rejecting, with corresponding performance degradation, if you chose not to see sites that happened to use an ubiquitous phrase.

Piffle. (Waves hand). Take care of it.