Years ago, I promised myself that when the time came for my daughter to learn how to drive, I would arrange for her to take a professional driving course -- one that went beyond your average high school Drivers Ed, teaching real-world driving -- skid control, highway driving, handling bad weather, all of that, or as much as I can get.
This afternoon, I overheard her talking to a friend, and she noted that it'd be about two years before she can get a learners permit. So, I've started looking around. I don't want her to be able to do amazing things with a car (though the ability to do a bootlegger turn would be kind of neat), but I want her to have confidence and control when she gets behind the wheel.
Does that make sense?
Look into MasterDrive. My parents were very pleased because it offered a day on a special course as well as extra classroom instruction and extra time driving with an instructor. Of course, you get what you pay for, but it was a great course.
That's exactly what I want.... and its only available in Colorado and southern California.
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