Monday, September 17, 2007

Starbucks and Salvation

It's tacky to grab an entire entry from another blog -- so I won't. But here's a chunk of one from the Reveries blog. It captivated me:

Except for one thing — it (Starbucks) was a world where everyone was treated with “respect, even homeless people who needed to use the bathroom.” Indeed, while cleaning the toilet, Michael says he was “surprised by how little revulsion I felt for a job I would have previously thought beneath me.” He found comfort working “where people could be nicer and the work environment better than I had ever believed possible … What you are trying to do is help other people enjoy something,” he says. That “something,” he explains, is not a “multimillion dollar ad campaign. It’s just trying to serve a good cup of coffee.”

Imagine a world where we all felt that way?


genderist said...

I'm going to play the cynic and not buy that line.

Cerulean Bill said...

Which one? And why?