Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Good Thing I'm Not Hungry

...because I just learned that not only does Tucson have a superior pizza place, and a quite nice hamburger place,but now I find that they've got a stellar hamburger place, too.

Damn good thing they don't have any outstanding bookstores (some good ones, yes, but nothing to challenge, say, Elliott Bay Books, or the horde of excellent bookstores in the Boston/Cambridge area), or I'd have to learn how to like the heat...


Rach said...

I'm drooling and I just ate dinner!

On a related note .. I'm glad you found the brownie recipe useful and even altered the ingredients enough to better it. I think we'll try doing that next time too .. tho that may not be for a long time seeings as how I've been trying to keep the baking to a minimum around here. Too tempting!

Cerulean Bill said...

Oh, yeah. We WOLFED it down.... My daughter was fascinated by a non-chocolate brownie, and she told a friend who was over, who's blond, that it was a 'blondie', which delighted the friend, too.